Understanding Orthodontics Terminology and the Different Parts of Braces

At Kineret Orthodontics, we strive to have well-informed patients who can get any questions about their braces answered quickly and easily. The short video below overviews the basic parts of braces and will help you communicate with the office should the need arise.

Simple, Yet Powerful

Braces help benefit a person’s life more than just providing straight teeth. It builds confidence, help with breathing, prevents tooth decay and much more.

By allowing yourself to know more about your braces, you can help Dr. Kineret and his team to get you the smile you deserve with little to no issues on the way. Take a look at the diagram to learn more.

If you have any questions with your braces and want to consult with us, please take a look at the diagram and let us know what the issue is. Most of the time, the problem doesn’t require you to come in until your next appointment. To learn more about our quick fix and tips guide, click here!

If you have any questions that come up, don’t be afraid to give us a call. Our goal is to make having braces comfortable and stress free as possible. You can reach by calling 916-772-5832 or by emailing kineret_ortho@yahoo.com.