About Orthodontics At Kineret Orthodontics

How Does Orthodontic Treatment Work?

When you get orthodontic treatment from Dr. Kineret, orthodontic appliances like braces or invisible aligners gradually move your teeth into their ideal alignment. You’ll be able to say goodbye to the overbite and crowded teeth at last! What makes this process possible is the amazing biology of our mouths. The pressure from the orthodontic appliance on the jaw bone activates specialized cells called osteoblasts and osteoclasts, which actually rebuild the bone tissue around the new position of your teeth!

Why Are Straight Teeth So Important?

Most of us know that properly aligned teeth look nicer than crooked ones, and knowing your smile looks good is great for your confidence, but did you know that it’s also better for your health? Having straight teeth and a good bite makes it easier to chew your food thoroughly (which is crucial for good digestion), it’s better for your jaw, it makes it easier to clean your teeth, and it also makes it easier to enunciate when you speak! Another thing straight teeth help with is your ability to comfortably close your mouth while resting, which means you can breathe the healthy way: through your nose. These are just a few of the reasons to consider getting orthodontic treatment with Dr. Kineret.

We Care About Your Smile At Kineret Orthodontics

If you’ve been living with tooth crowding, a bad bite, or other oral alignment problems, schedule an initial consultation with us today by calling us at (916) 772-5832 or sending us an email. And orthodontic treatment isn’t just for teenagers! Adults can get the smiles they’ve always wanted too! Here at Kineret Orthodontics, we’re excited to help you get the healthy, beautiful smile you deserve!